Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Vibrant Health Can Be Yours If You Know The Secrets

Fabulous health

The secret is to focus on your goal to attain Vibrant Health. Give it a 100% chance.

Write these Questions down on paper and review each morning to help you focus. Write down your answers. Have it always before you. I have mine on the wall in my room. These were what I started with to create my driving force and create my life plan. Now I have a Tony Robbins RPM planner for all this stuff. Get the RPM program.

I try to make the question cut to the heart of the matter:

What do I want? Do I want to move forward and create a life that has depth and meaning? What does 'healthy' look like? What does Vibrant Health feel like? What will my life be like when I hold this gem within me? What will I do? Who will I become? Where will I go? How will I sped my life differently? What kind of new meaning will my life hold when I am feeling well?

Keep your focus- what you focus on expands. Choose what is right for you. If you are searching for health then you will find it.

Here is what focusing on your goals can look like. Apply the principles to your life.

Now make the Commitment to yourself for gaining Vibrant Health. Make your schedule reflect your desires. Do it for yourself, girl!

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